Hartley Hall Arrival Instructions
Arrival Instructions
Head south on Amsterdam Avenue and temporarily park in the unload zone at Amsterdam Ave between W. 116th and W 114th Streets. You may need to queue prior to reaching the unload zone so please approach from the north as shown on the graphic below.
Moving bins will be available to help you transport your items.
By Taxi or Rideshare: Follow the arrival instructions outlined above if your driver will take you through the unload zone. If you are dropped off near campus, proceed to the unload zone on foot. Moving bins will be available at the Wallach unload zone to help you transport your items. You may send a member of your party ahead of the group to request a bin.
By Public Transportation: Proceed to your unload zone on foot. Moving bins will be available at the Wallach unload zone to help you transport your items. You may send a member of your party ahead of the group to request a bin.

What Happens Next
If you arrived by personal car, you will need to park your car on an open street or in a garage. Then, proceed to your Check-In or Welcome station outlined below.
Proceed to the tent outside Hamilton Hall to complete Check-In. This location is marked with a triangle on the map above. Refer to the steps outlined on the International Check-In page for more information.
Proceed to the tent on Amsterdam between W. 116th and W. 114th Streets to complete registration for bag drop. This location is marked with a star on the map above. Refer to the steps outlined on the Bag Drop page for more information.
Proceed to the tent on Amsterdam Ave between W. 116th and W. 114th Streets to complete Check-In. This location is marked with a star on the map above. Refer to the steps outlined on the Check-In Overview page for more information.