3-2 Combined Plan Housing
Program Year One: Housing is Guaranteed
Students transferring to Columbia as part of the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science's 3-2 Combined Plan are guaranteed housing during their first engineering year.
After Year One: Housing is Not Guaranteed
Columbia Housing tries to accommodate students’ requests to live on campus after the first year, however there is no guarantee that Combined Plan (CP) students will be offered a room on campus beyond the first year.
Combined Plan Lottery
CP students who wish to live in campus housing after the first year of their program must register for the Combined Plan Lottery. The lottery is used to determine which CP students will be invited to participate in general Room Selection, which is the annual process during which students select their campus housing for the following year. The CP lottery application and drawing occur in mid-November; CP students are notified via email.
Lottery Results
CP students who are invited to participate in Room Selection will receive more information about the process in January and will select their on-campus housing for the following year in March or April.
CP students who are not invited to participate in general Room Selection may register for the non-guaranteed waitlist. Students on this waitlist are not guaranteed an assignment in Columbia Housing and are assigned as space permits, typically in August or at the start of term. These student may also chose to live off-campus. The Off-Campus Housing Assistance (OCHA) can assist students with housing in non-Columbia owned buildings.