Building Fast Facts
- Large suites with full kitchens
- A range of private, semi-private and shared bathrooms are available throughout the building
- Private and semi-private bathrooms must be cleaned by residents
- Close to campus with a residential feel
Room Selection 2023 Data
Room Selection 2023 data shows that the students who selected into this building were 63% rising sophomores, 26% rising juniors, and 11% rising seniors.
- 83% of students who selected into this building participated as part of a group
- 20% were in mixed-point groups with an average point value of 24
- 2% were in rising seniors groups
- 21% were in rising juniors groups
- 57% were in rising sophomores groups
- Rising seniors selected 100% of single rooms
Please keep in mind that class make-up in each building varies year to year based on student preferences. This should not be used as predictive data for the upcoming academic year.
Building Details: