Step 1: Arrive at Your Selected Check-In Time
If you have not yet selected a time, please do so as soon as possible in the Housing Portal. Check-In appointments are available between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27. Late arrivals may miss new student programming hosted by their school.
Step 2: Proceed to Your Assigned Check-In Station
Check-In station locations vary and may be at a building different than your residence hall. Find your Check-In station on our website.
At your Check-In station, you will pick up your CUID, which will be encoded with your room and building access and function as your room key. If you live in a hard key building, you will also pick up your room key. Once you have completed Check-In, you may proceed to your building. Moving bins will be available for use at Check-In stations.
Step 3: Proceed to Your Building
Before you unpack your belongings, log in to the Housing Portal to take our brief Check-In survey and to complete the Room Condition Report (RCR). The RCR is mandatory. It records the condition of the furniture in your room at the time of move-in and will serve as the basis for damages during occupancy. Failure to complete the RCR may result in damage charges at Check-Out.
Check-In Webinar & More Resources
Join us on August 9 at 11:30 a.m. to learn more about Check-In! We’re hosting a virtual webinar as part of the Countdown to Columbia summer programming and will provide a detailed overview of what to expect on August 27. Registration is required.
More resources:
What Comes Next
The week before you arrive, we’ll send you a reminder of your Check-In steps.